Miika Hyytiäinen's "Impossibilities of Violin" for solo violin, was written inspired by and for the ”Temporality of the Impossible" and dejana. The piece is quite literally a forever changing piece - its form (“score”), is a video generated from extremely various sources, appears in front of the performer (and the audience) for the first time only in the very moment of the performance itself. The following video is ...
phd defended
Following the July 2023 submission of the final PhD theses and after successfully defending it on 6 December 2023, firstly the official certificate arrived, followed by the official ceremony graduation. It's been quite a ride and work and time-space (physical and mental) poured into this research, but, ultimately, it's been a fun ride and a labour of love. And one that will continue. The full thesis is now...
Unerhoerte Musik
On May 24th, performance of "Temporality of the Impossible" and CD promotion took place at Unerhörte Musik (Berlin)...
at Prima Vera Contemporanea
On April 3rd, performance of "Temporality of the Impossible" progam and CD promotion took place at Curva Minore's Prima Vera Contemporanea Festival in Palermo...
Temporality of the Impossible is the first publication emerging from a larger, ongoing project of the same name, released on February 11th, 2022, for HCR/NMC, and featuring works by Clara Iannotta, Dario Buccino, Rebecca Saunders, Liza Lim, Evan Johnson, Cathy Milliken, and Aaron Cassidy.
Coming up in about a month: performance of Liza Lim's and Dario Buccino's works at the hcmf// 2021 on November 22nd.
Miika Hyytiäinen's "Impossibilities of the 25022020" for solo violin, was written inspired by and for the ”Temporality of the Impossible". The piece is quite literally a forever changing piece - its form (“score”), is a video generated... [featuring video from the premier].
Dario Buccino recently wrote "Finalmente il tempo è intero n°16, for solo violin (and my quest for the Temporality of the Impossible). It is a kind of piece that really likes physical presence in a concrete physical spacetime for one to experience and feel... [featuring video from the premier].
Front. In. Behind. Here. Now.
solo violin performance from the “Temporality of the Impossible" concert serias, for the season 2019/2020, featuring pieces by Dario Buccino, Aaron Cassidy, Mikka Hyytiäinen, Clara Iannotta, Liza Lim, Rebecca Saunders, Lucio Tasca.
multi-voiced poetics
solo violin performance from the “Temporality of the Impossible" concert serias, for the season 2018/2019, featuring pieces by Liza Lim, Lucio Tasca and Robert Wanammaker.
Live recording of Haukur Þór Harðarson's "Surge", during the CeReNeM's "Performer Research Showcase" on November 1st at St. Paul's Hall in Huddersfield (UK)
Call for Scores 2018 :: Selected Composers
Thank you to all the composers who submitted to this call! And congratulations to the two selected composers from the Call for Scores 2018: Dario Buccino and Tatiana Gerasimenok. The two new works are expected to premiere no later than March 2020. Further details on the performance will be published at a later time.
Time Traveling Stargazer
solo violin performance from the “Temporality of the Impossible: Performance+Talk Sessions” serias, for the season 2018/2019.
Live recording of Clara Iannotta's "dead wasps in the jam jar (I)", CeReNeM's "Performer Research Showcase" on November 1st at St. Paul's Hall in Huddersfield (UK)
PhD Research Showcase CeReNeM
November 1st, St. Paul's Hall (Huddersfield, UK) 7.30pm: perfroming music for solo violin* by Samuel Cedillo, Clara Iannotta, Haukur Þór Harðarson and Dmitri Kourliandski. Looking forward to seeing your ears!
*violin courtesy of Thomas Meuwissen
**photo DIRT PAINTING (FOR JOHN CAGE), Robert Rauschenberg
IMD 2018 - Open Space - Violin+
“Temporality of the Impossible: Violin+” performance on July 23th at the Darmstädter Ferienkurse 2018
IMD 2018 - Open Space - Sounding Gesticulation
“Temporality of the Impossible: Sounding Gesticulation” performance on July 18th at the Darmstädter Ferienkurse 2018
Call for Scores 2018
Seeking composers with extra adventurous mind+heart+ears interested to create a work for solo violin, within the framework of “Temporality of the Impossible”.
VIOLIN+ explores some of the curious, exciting, peculiar, adventurous music and wondrous sonar worlds of pieces for prepared violin and violin with performative electronics...
The teaser for the upcoming Performace+Talk Session #7 is live! This session features pieces by...
Take a peek at the fresh-out teaser for the upcoming Session#5, but don't be shy to also go and read more about it, right over here.
Performance+Talk Sessions are part of the ”Temporality of the Impossible" research, now taking place at CeReNeM and HuCPeR, at the University of Huddersfield (UK)...